Additional info Stackable Hydroclips XS case. Comprisedof male and female plugs in the BSPrange. Delivered with definition rulefor plugs (drawing to scale 1:1 withdimension) Male / female plug case type BSP EALBOUBSP
Additional info Stackable Hydroclips XS case. Comprisedof male and female plugs in the DINL range. Delivered with definitionrule for plugs (drawing to scale 1:1with dimension) Male / female plug case type DIN L EALBOUDINL
Additional info Stackable Hydroclips XS case Comprisedof male and female plugs in the DINS range. Delivered with definitionrule for plugs (drawing to scale 1:1with dimension) Male / female plug case type DIN S EALBOUDINS
Additional info Stackable Hydroclips XS case. Comprisedof male and female plugs in the ORFSrange. Delivered with definition rulefor plugs (drawing to scale 1:1 withdimension) Male / female plug case type ORFS EALBOUORFS
Additional info Stackable Hydroclips XS case. Comprisedof male and female plugs in the JICrange. Delivered with definition rulefor plugs (drawing to scale 1:1 withdimension) Male / female plug case JIC EALBOUJIC
Additional info "Stackable Hydroclips XS case. Comprisedof male and female plugs in the Hydraulic connector plug case SAE EALBOUSAE
Additional info Stackable Hydroclips XS case. Comprisedof male and female plugs in the BSPrange. Delivered with definition rulefor plugs (drawing to scale 1:1 withdimension) Male / female plug case type SERIES EALBOUSERIEG
Additional info Stackable Hydroclips XS case. Comprisedof male and female plugs in the TMKrange. Delivered with definition rulefor plugs (drawing to scale 1:1 withdimension) Male / female plug case type SAE EALBOUTMK
Additional info Comprises 8 cases Stackable HydroclipsXS cases of male and female plugs inthe following ranges: BSP - DIN L- DIN S - JIC - ORFS - SAE - SeriesG - TMK Delivered with definition rulefor plugs (drawing to scale 1:1 withdimen Male / female plug case kit EALBOUXMIXT1
Additional info Groups together all of the plugs byfamily drawing to scale 1:1 with dimensionGLOSSY FILM FRONT/BACK Washable Rule for defining hydraulic plugs EAZREGLE03
Additional info PNEUMATIC "ASPI-QUICK" VACUUM PUMP - Supplied with Hydroclips case type M - Suitable for 5 to 8bar air inlet - Vacuum pressure: -650mbar (relative) -850mbar (max.) - Airflow: 28lpm - Vacuum pressure gauge: -1 to 0bar - Dimensions (l x w x h): 140x70x65mm - Weight: 0.5kg - Supplied with Ø80mm magnetic cap PNEUMATIC "ASPI-QUICK" VACUUM PUMP EAZOBTMIX2
Additional info Stainless steel sealing plates 1/2" 3/4" 1" 1"1/4" 1"1/2" STAINLESS STEEL SEALING PLATES EAZOBTMIX1