Additional info Lubrication for the 19 points on the chassis side (without apron) Medium capacity range - 6-point distributor, front axle part (pivots) - 13 point distributor rear part * rear deck * swing bridge * compensation cylinder * lifting cylinder - Electric autonomous pump 1 kg Online system, if a grease nipple is clogged, the entire system stops + visual indication to the pump (the grease comes out through the pressure relief valve). Supplied with assembly instructions. GREASING KIT MERLO TELE 35.7 KG131D15V1
Additional info Lubrication for the 19 points on the chassis side (without apron) Medium capacity range - 6-point distributor, front axle part (pivots) - 13 point distributor rear part * rear deck * swing bridge * compensation cylinder * lifting cylinder - Electric autonomous pump 1 kg Online system, if a grease nipple is clogged, the entire system stops + visual indication to the pump (the grease comes out through the pressure relief valve). Supplied with assembly instructions. GREASING KIT MERLO TELE 35.7 KG131D15V2