Basic high pressure line for one tool
For powering hammer-hammer lines (single-acting) or high-speed double-acting lines (clamp opening/closing, shears, crusher)
The kit includes
Control system (electric or hydraulic)
Distribution adapted to the machine circuit
Complete line (rigid tube, hoses, fittings, clamps)
Valves and/or couplers
Return filter
Assembly instructions

Multifunctional high pressure line for several tools

For feeding hammer-hammer lines (single-acting) and high-speed double-acting lines (pliers): use the same line for hammer and pliers.
Technical specifications
Control by electric pedal, hydraulic pedal, proportional knob
Single/double acting conversion with mechanical or electrical control
Possibility of setting several pressure flow thresholds
Electrically or mechanically operated
Low speed line
For low flow dual effect feeding: clamp rotation, shear, bucket tilt, rotator feeding.
Technical specifications
Installation with independent or integrated pump on the main circuit of the machine
Control by hydraulic pedal, switch or joystick with proportional knob

Backhaul line

For feeding pendulum tools without additional line.
Technical specifications
Quarter-turn valve on the rocker arm or flanged to the cylinder, depending on the machine
Priority fixed flow regulated line
For feeding a tool (crusher, cutter, milling machine, generator) with a fixed flow rate that has priority over the other functions of the machine (no flow rate variation).
No matter how the machine moves, the tool will always have a priority and regulated flow
The tool always runs at the same speed.
Maintains the homogeneity of the machine's other movements (straight translation, boom / bucket / dipper synchronisation, etc.).
The kit includes:
- Steering kit adapted to the tool.
- Single or double low pressure flow divider depending on machine.
- Hoses and connectors.
- Full line if necessary.

Loader line

For feeding a high-dump bucket, a snow plough or a snow thrower...
Technical specifications
With original section or addition of a distributor
Control on original or separate joystick